About Biomimicry
Imitating nature for wellness
"Biomimicry" is a fancy word for a simple, old idea: copying nature in our daily lives.
From designing buildings to creating fabrics to leading businesses, biomimicry has been practiced for a very long time, but the term is fairly new. It was made popular by biologist Janine Benyus with her 1997 book Biomimicry: Innovation Inspired by Nature. In wellness, biomimicry invites us to examine the natural world and find what inspires body, mind, and spirit health.
“For every problem we have, nature has the answer.” - Janine Beynus
Biomimicry can be...
Imitating or emulating the form of nature (the way nature looks)
Imitating or emulating the function of nature (the way nature works)
Imitating or emulating the living systems of nature (the way nature is structured)
Incorporating nature into our spaces
Interacting with nature more
...and as a way of problem-solving, it improves medicine and cosmetics, makes machines more efficient, soothes our bodies and minds, and so much more.
"Biomimicry (literally defined as the imitation of life or nature) has sparked a variety of human innovations and inspired countless cutting-edge designs. From spider silk-made artificial skin to lotus leaf-inspired self-cleaning materials, biomimicry endeavors to solve human problems." - Ge Zhang
There are growing global movements for biomimicry in multiple industries and uses like architecture, engineering, product design, psychology and healthcare - to name a few. In the most inspirational cases, the goal is to enhance technology or the human experience while increasing consciousness of the state of our planet. This grows compassion for our environment. Many people who practice biomimicry also actively work to save our planet from the crises it faces. It's truly an exciting time to examine, understand, and embrace how the wild world works - and how its lessons work for us.
Throughout our planet's history, nature has adapted, survived, and thrived. As part of nature, humans are the new kids on the block. We have a lot to learn, and in a time when things feel uncertain and scary, the wild offers us wisdom and comfort.
Biomimicry is at the heart of the Whispering Wilds method, made easy to understand and do in every class. The unique Whispering Wilds process lets you see nature in a whole new way, and find your place as both a recipient of nature's gifts and a caretaker of the wild.
If you're feeling...
Overwhelmed or imbalanced
Stressed and anxious
Disconnected from relationships or yourself
Angry and agitated
Empty, uninspired, lonely, or sad
Tired of worry and negativity
Not sure how to start feeling better
...and want to get your physical, mental, and spiritual wellness back on track, biomimicry the Whispering Wilds way is for you.
"Biomimicry teaches us to see nature not as something to take from but something that can teach us. [...] It’s about copying forms to make more efficient designs. It’s about learning from the deep principles in nature for how to thrive over the long haul. What biomimicry does is gives us a model to follow and a measure to base ourselves. It teaches us that we are not necessarily a bad species but just a very young one. And most importantly, biomimicry gives us hope." - Biomimicry Frontiers
Right now, you're being called to listen to the wise whispers of the wild. Are you ready, my wildling friend?

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